Saturday, May 24, 2008

Flowers and Family

A lot actually went on yesterday, but I didn't document a lot of it. Just too caught up unfortunately. But I managed to take a few snapshots from the day.

My big brother Jonathan. It's pretty bad ass that we're roommates and get to hang out each day. He's funny as hell too.

And has the most contagious laugh you'll ever hear haha.

Brothers, together from the beginning.

OH oh oh! I almost forgot. I got some snapshots of my roommate Donnie, which is RARE! He threatens to kick anyone who tries to take his picture and has no problems following through. So I had to snap these while he was playing xbox. The only time you can really......or when he's drunk =p

Only got off three shots before he put a stop to it haha.

I've been wanting to photograph these flowers outside our, since they bloomed but I just procrastinate too much, but yesterday was a great opportunity since I didn't have anything to do yet.

I never noticed this plant anywhere else besides here, but it's gorgeous I think.

Anyways, I headed over to this house later on in the night to watch movies. (Untraceable is garbage, don't see it) and ate, hung out with my lady, AND took some shots of this cute little kid.

He was so damn cute, and not shy at ALL! A lot of fun though.

But most of the details are left out just because. And tonight I'm going to see a local artist Sonny Bonoho at Hell's Kitchen so I should have some pics of that tomorrow. Take care! =)

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