Friday, May 23, 2008

The Boat Is Waiting at the Docks

People are for the most part the same, and I am really no different. It seems that everyone is waiting for something big to happen each day, whether it be "THE" big thing, or just the big thing for that day. Unfortunately, I too often forget that if you want something to happen, you've got to make it happen yourself. I was waiting around all day for that something yesterday, and it didn't come. So the photos today are a result of that. Still images of different things around my house, pretty much all for aesthetic value, so enjoy. (Or don't) =)

This is one of our friend's and old roommates' car. It broke down while he was living here and he hasn't come to get it since he moved out. I accidentally hit it with my car but whatever. It's my favorite car though, so it's fun to pretend that it's mine while it's here =p

This is one of those spinning cylinders that they use for bingo at the old folks homes. I found when we I was helping close down an old gym and throw old stuff out. I get hypnotized looking into this thing while it's spinning though so I had to keep it. That was a f*ckin pack rat move for sure.

This thing has ruled my life ever since I broke my ankle a few months ago and was out of work. The spell was recently broken though when my subscription expired and I was able to return to normal life and art =)

I miss this thing so much. It's the reason why I broke my damn ankle but the reason why I can't wait for it to get better as well. I had just bought the deck the same day too, and was trying it out for the first time when it happened. I was so stoked to be riding an 8.25 instead of the previous 7.75. HUGE difference, and I can't wait to get back on and really break this bitch in.

Anyways, that's it for yesterday. Maybe I'll figure out something more exciting for today so it'll be worth reading, HA! Lay-tray bay bay


KM said...

Nice photographs!
I hope your ankle get better!

Anonymous said...

That car is suh-wheeeet! Take some pics of your lady near/on it -- that'll make for some awesome shots for sure!!! Love the b/w raffle one, too.

Doohickie said...

I don't know enough about photography to make intelligent comments about these... but I think they are great!

James Dunn said...

Thank you all! I just found out today that I can leave comments on my own blog haha. oh well. thx again =)